Facial Treatments in Elgin

Is your skin in need of a pick-me-up?

Holistic Facial

During this 45 minute facial I use a selection of Tropic products chosen to meet your skins needs.

The facial includes a double cleanse, exfoliation, mask, tone, oil/serum, moisturiser and eye cream. Enjoy a neck, shoulder and scalp massage whilst the mask works its magic.

Rejuvenating Facial

Are you concerned about fine lines and wrinkles? Would you like smooth, plump and nourished skin? Target fine lines and wrinkles with a selection of Tropic products.

Relax for an hour and enjoy a beautiful hot towel, rejuvenating organic facial whilst helping to fight signs of ageing by smoothing and plumping the skin.

As well as helping to target fine lines and wrinkles, this facial can help to reduce tension held within the face and jaw.

Crystal Gua Sha Facial

Relax and enjoy this intuitive facial with a wide selection of crystal tools to help lift, sculpt and tone the face, neck and jawline whilst helping to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, lift the brows and tighten hooded eyes.

Facial Gua Sha can also help to ease sinus congestion, promote lymphatic drainage and release emotions held in the face.

Includes a hot towel cleanse, application of facial oil for the treatment followed by a final hot towel cleanse and application of moisturiser. Choose from 60 or 90 minutes.

Signature Facial

New treatment coming soon...